
The simplest and quickest way to express your concern is to contact Sam Newbery via email Here

When you provide feedback on our services, or make a complaint, a record may be kept on our internal log.

We promise to respond in 7 days

Our promise is to respond to a complaint within 7 days. Hopefully, we will be able to tell you that the matter has been put right. If we are unable to put it right within those 7 days, we will tell you and keep you informed of progress.

The next step

If you're not happy with the answers you've been given, tell the person you've been dealing with and we'll ask another senior manager to review concerns. You'll be told who will review your complaint and you will receive a full or interim response within 28 days of when you first expressed your concern.

If you are still dissatisfied

If our senior manager fails to deal with your complaint to your satisfaction, you can take the matter up with our Member Service department.

The address is:

Covent Garden FX,
30a Jubilee Market Hall,
Covent Garden,

If we are not able to provide a final response, or if you're not satisfied after receiving the reply from us, you can take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.